Gagharv Trilogy Wiki
Gagharv Trilogy Wiki
Bardus & Octum - Artwork (ED4)

Octum's Apostles (オクトゥムの使徒) is a secret society in The Legend of Heroes IV: A Tear of Vermillion.


Octum's Apostles is dedicated to Octum, the God of Darkness. Its member excel at both magic and martial arts, and have played an important role behind the scenes of El Phildin's history. Although Octum's Apostles keeps itself hidden from the general populace, it has been in conflict with the Church of Bardus for centuries. Royal families have denied their existence as worshipped of the God of Darkness and they are therefore not recorded in the land's writen history.

In 929 the Apostles attacked Cathedral, the holy ground of the Church of Bardus, until it fell.[1]
