Gagharv Trilogy Wiki
Gagharv Trilogy Wiki

Rachel (レイチェル) is the daughter of Shao and is a vocalist. A hammy wisecrack, she constantly pokes fun at her father and uses her charms to get her way.


Rachel attacks using throwing knives. A fast, mid-range single target attacker, Rachel is able to act early in a turn. Her Special Spells consist of three healing spells, each restoring more HP and costing more MP than the last. Her Blowing Kiss skill can charm enemies.

Special Spells[]

Spell Description MP Cost
Cheering Voice A heartening cheer restores HP slightly. 4
Healing Wink The heart thumps and HP is restored moderately. 8
Curing Kiss The heart thumps hard and HP is restored significantly 16


Wink Even the enemy is taken in and stops moving.
Blowing Kiss A passionate blowing kiss that enthralls the enemy.

Finishing Moves[]

Howling Voice Unhumanlike high frequency voice damages the enemy.