Gagharv Trilogy Wiki
Gagharv Trilogy Wiki

Resonance Magic (共鳴魔法) is a type of magic activated by playing the musical phrases that have been carved into resonance stones. The resonance stones are required to use resonance magic.


Resonance Magic, the ability to transform sound into power, was developed by the ancient Benthonic People in B.G.59. They enjoyed half a century of prosperity until they discovered the dangers of their invention, Harmful Frequencies. After sealing away the majority of them, they themselves also vanished from surface of the earth. It is a well-known tale in Weltluna: "The Benthonic People vanished alongside their magic because mankind overused their magic and spawned the demon lord."

Musician Leone Fredrik Richter attempted to reproduce the legendary Phantasmal Melody, which was considered the ultimate form of Resonance Magic, and named it the Benthonic Melody. His fears that the melody's power would be abused, he encraved each of the 24 musical phrases of the melody into resonance stones and hid them across Weltluna.

After the events of The Legend of Heroes V: Cagesong of the Ocean, Michel de Lap Haven fulfilled Leone's request to seal away the stones by merging them into what would become a key item in The Legend of Heroes III: White Witch, the Silver Dagger.
